Code of conduct handbook for students, teachers, and support staff

Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers

Any person who takes teaching as profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself /herself in accordance with the ideals of the profession. The teacher is constantly under scrutiny of students and the society at large. Therefore, every teacher shall see that there is no incompatibility between his /her precepts and practice. The national ideals of education which have already been set forth and which he /she should seek to inculcate among students must be his/her own ideals. The profession further requires that the teachers shall be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and amicable in disposition.

Teachers are expected to:
1. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of them by the community.
2. Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
3. Make professional growth continuous through study and research.
4. Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc. towards contribution of knowledge.
5. Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and their profession through them.
6. Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorials, practicals, seminars and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
7. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the College and the University such as: assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counseling students as well as assisting the conduct of University and College examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation; and
8. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service.

B) TEACHERS AND THE STUDENTS- Teachers are expected to:
1. Respect the right and dignity of the students in expressing her opinion.
2. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
3. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.
4. Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their Personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare
5. Inculcate among students a scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and the ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
6. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
7. Pay attention to only the attainments of the student in the assessment of merit.
8. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
9. Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals and refrain from inciting students against.

C) TEACHERS AND COLLEAGUES-Teachers are expected to:
1. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
2. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment.
3. Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated and malafide allegations against colleagues to higher authorities; and
4. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or gender in their professional endeavor.

D) TEACHERS AND AUTHORITIES-Teachers are expected to:
1. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own institutional bodies and/or professional organizations for change of any such rule detrimental to the professional interest. Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
2. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand.
3. Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
4. Perform to the best of their ability in accordance with generally accepted professional standards of the teaching profession, to ensure there is no breach of their contract.
5. Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made
6. Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable, with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of the academic schedule.

Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-operative undertaking within the institution.

Try to maintain contact with the guardians of their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians wherever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.

1. Recognize that education is a Public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programmes which are being provided.
2. Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life.
3. Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as are conducive to the progress of society and by extension, the country as a whole.
4. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.

Duties and Responsibilities assigned to Non-Teaching Employees mentioned in the Standard Code 1984 of Maharashtra Government and Maharashtra Civil Service Rules. Superintendent:

1. The Superintendent shall be in charge of the College office and shall be personally responsible for the smooth conduct and working, for the allotment of work to his subordinates who shall be directly responsible to him with the prior approval of the Registrar.
2. He shall convene regular meetings of the office staff and laboratory assistants and shall determine the time dimensions of each of the tasks assigned and supervise the overall working as per the prescribed norms if any
3. He shall issue Memos and reprimands to erring non-teaching employees, subject to the approval of the Principal. He shall inspect the attendance register of the non-teaching staff and take such action as he may deem fit in case of habitual late comers or those who habitually remain absents, by issuing a warning in writing and recommending to the Principal to take disciplinary action, in case the same employee shows no improvement.
4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to maintain cordial public relations and to attend to the queries of the members of the public and students and supply information through the Principal to Government authorities as per requirements. It shall also be the duty to help the members of the public to solve their difficulties concerning office work, and to entertain complaints, if any, against the staff subordinate to him, in the College.
5. He shall carry out the duties and responsibilities in a just manner without any discrimination and motivate his staff to take their work seriously and willingly and shall pay personal attention to their welfare.
6. He shall be responsible for the work of a highly confidential nature that may be undertaken by his section. He shall be responsible for preserving the documents, etc. Concerning his section.
7. The Superintendent shall personally look into the court cases concerning the College and obtain orders from the Principal wherever necessary. The Superintendent shall mark and distribute letters in the name of dealing assistant or to Heads of the Departments in the College. He shall exercise a check on and follow up letters received from the Government, University Grant Commission, University, and Management etc.
8. He shall draft notes and deal independently the cases which are of a routine nature. He shall also draft notes, essentially with reference to relevant rules, regulations, precedence and implication etc. or special cases and submit to the higher authority i.e. the Principal and give interim replies.
9. The Superintendent shall point out mistakes or misstatements, if any, and draw attention wherever necessary to the statutory or customary practice and point out rules where they are concerned.
10. The Superintendent shall scrutinize notes or cases submitted by the lower staff, put his own remarks or suggestions, if any and submit the same to the Principal. He shall sign letters issued from the college office of routine nature.
11. The Superintendent shall be responsible for examination work pertaining to the Degree College in the overall supervision of the Principal.
12. Any other work assigned to the Superintendent by the Principal from time to time.

1. The Accountant shall inform periodically on the financial position of the College to the Principal of the College and examine and ensure that the code and financial norms are followed by the section or department. He shall prepare and present budget estimates, with the help of Heads of Departments in the College. Prepare the budget and income and expenditure statements, maintain all accounts and get them audited.
2. He shall attend to all the Government scrutiny, inspections and audit.
3. He shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the financial transactions as per rules, Accounts Code, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations made in that behalf and monitor the finances of the College as per directions of the superintendent and place before the College Development Committee the financial position of the College such as its receipts, payments Government grants and balance from time to time.
4. He shall scrutinize all bills of expenditure before recommending for payment, and maintain the cash-book, ledger, bank pass-books. He shall watch over the progress of the expenditure and receipt of fees and Government grants in time.
5. The Accountant shall carry out any other work entrusted to him by the Principal or Superintendent from time to time.

Head Clerk:
1. Head Clerk shall perform the duties as may be assigned to him from time to time, by the Principal or the Superintendent.
2. He shall be in charge of the unit or section and shall be responsible for its normal and smooth working. He shall assist the Superintendent in the disposal of his duties and shall look after the day to day work in the office of which he is in charge as per the instructions received from the higher authorities from time to time.
3. He shall ensure and maintain proper co-ordination and follow up with the other departments or section of the College.
4. He shall be responsible for the smooth, efficient and effective working of the office and timely disposal of cases, letters, bills, reports, returns etc. and decide and maintain proper filing procedure. He shall also ensure that the cases or letters requiring immediate and urgent disposal are dealt with immediately.
5. He shall train the members of his department and provide guidance to all.
6. He shall dispose of important cases where relevant regulations are clearly applicable and forward otherwise the same to the Superintendent or the Registrar with clear and specific comments.
7. He shall keep exhaustive and self-contained notes of important papers passed down and facilitate their movement till final disposal and also consider the proceeding of the work.
8. He shall exercise constant vigilance on expenditure, quantitative disposal of work, safety of the records, furniture, fittings of the College, regular and orderly behavior of the staff under him.
9. He shall attend meetings, issue notice of meetings, prepare agenda and draft minutes of the meetings and take follow up actions.
10. He shall inspect the racks and tables of assistants working under him and satisfy himself that no paper or files have been overlooked and that there are no old receipts or bills lying un-disposed off.
11. He shall submit notes or drafts for approval of the authorities thorough the Superintendent.
12. He shall attend to audit queries and reply to audit reports, and also submit necessary statement of accounts.
13. He shall recover grants due from the Government etc. and shall prepare the requirement of furniture, other equipment, stationery etc. with the consultation of the Higher Authority.
14. He shall attend to any other work assigned to him from time to time by the Higher authorities.

All other non-teaching staff:
The Principal shall assign duties as per the needs or requirements of the concerned College from time to time in respect of any other non-teaching staff. Not with standing anything contained above, the Vice –Chancellor shall direct the Principals to assign duties to the employees in respect of conduct of University examinations/admissions etc. during the time of emergencies and the work related to Seminars, conferences etc. undertaken at the University level.


The Librarian’s post is a teaching post. The job responsibilities of a Librarian are as follows:
1. Planning new services for the Library
2. Making rules for the Library
3. Acquisition and Gift books selection
4. Classification
5. Catalogue entries- checking & keywords
6. Software for Library
7. Correspondence
8. Signatory for all bills, correspondence notices.
9. Maintaining Discipline in Library
10. Replacement of Library books lost
11. Assigning work to the Library Staff
12. Weeding out
13. Reference to teachers, students, visitors
14. Reports to be submitted to Auditors, UGC/IQAC, Principal
15. Library Annual Report
16. Library Orientation Lectures & Tours
17. Honors in Library Science
18. Training Staff
19. Any other work assigned by the Principal from time to time
20. Library Notices- Drafting, putting up notices on the Library Notice board
21. Displays
22. Journals- General supervision
23. Gift Book Processing
24. Discipline in the Library
25. Library Statistics

Library Attendants:
1. Journal subscription, renewal, receipt of current issues, reminders Journal binding, Journal accessioning & data entry
2. Display of recent arrivals of books, binding of old books
3. Plastic binding of new books, printing of Journal Labels
4. Library Shelf/ Stack guides
5. Stationery – Purchase & Distribution
6. Assisting Librarian in Acquisition work
7. Typing & Other Assistance to Librarian
8. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time
9. Issue /Return of Books
10. Binding of Books & Journals
11. Writing statistics of issue /return
12. Label pasting (Spine, Books & Barcode)
13. Shelving of Books & Dusting
14. Shelving of Journals
15. Summer cleaning
16. Physical Verification of Books
17. Library Clearance
18. Library Membership
19. Summer Cleaning administration
20. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time

1. In the college premises every student must be in possession of her valid Identity Card& must wear it throughout till she is on college premises or representing the college at any other place. Whenever demanded by the authorities concerned, the Identity Card must be produced for inspection.
2. Students must maintain strict discipline and decorum in the college campus.
3. Students should be Punctual in attending their classes.
4. Students are not allowed to attend classes other than their own, without the prior permission of the Principal.
5. Students are not permitted to bring any outsiders to the College Campus without prior permission of the Principal.
6. A student must attend all the tests, tutorials and examinations conducted by the College.
7. Every student must complete, all the academic work assigned to her class by the respective teachers, such as the completion or Practical Journal, Home Assignments, Field Diary, Project etc., in time.
8. No student should loiter in the corridor or college campus during lecture hours. When they are free, they should go to the library / common room / canteen. No student is permitted to miss the lectures and sit in the canteen / common room/ library.
9. Students are not allowed to go out of the College premises, in between the lecture periods or practicals without the permission of the Class in charge Teacher / Principal.
10. Every student must always be modestly dressed and observe decorum with regard to both clothing and behavior and should take utmost care not to disturb the working of her own class as well as that of others. For self-financing courses students will have uniform approved by the management.
11. Students are not allowed to organize picnics/ activities without prior permission of the Principal.
12. No student shall collect any money as contribution towards picnics, trips, educational visits, get together, study-notes, charity or any other activity without the prior permission of the College Principal.
13. Every student should take utmost care of the college property to keep the College premises neat, tidy and clean for the common welfare of all. Any willful damage to the property of the College will be dealt with as breach of discipline and is liable for punishment. Such incidences should promptly be reported to the College Principal.
14. No Student will involve the Press/ Media / Political Parties/student organizations or communicate any information about matters relating to the College, without informing the Principal / College Management.
15. Students are requested to take care of their own property. The College Authorities are not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the students.
16. Students should deposit any lost property found by them in the College Office. Such incidences are displayed on the Notice Board. Owners of lost property should enquire and claim the same from the office.
17. Students are not allowed to use the mobile, phones within the College premises. Strict disciplinary action will be taken if a student is found to use mobile (University/ Government No. UJI 552 dtd. 31/12/2004).
18. If a student remains absent without giving a leave application for sizable length of time, her name is liable to be removed from the College rolls.
19. Attendance of students is regulated by ordinance 0.119 which states — “For granting of terms, attendance of 75% of theory, practical and tutorials (wherever prescribed) separately will be required, out of the total number of lectures, practical and tutorials conducted in the term.”
20. Students who fail to maintain the condition of minimum attendance on account of bonafide illness, or any other reason which is deemed right by the Principal, should apply in writing to the Principal for leave of absence, prior or within 2 days from the date of commencement of such leave, failing which they will be treated as defaulters. Application forms are available within or 2 days after joining back (in case of illness) in our office.
21. Absence of the student on valid grounds at lectures/ practicals / tutorials / tests/ examinations must be communicated to the College Principal immediately in writing with the necessary supporting documents viz. Medical certificate etc. through the respective class teacher.
22. Students who request leave of absence from lectures/practical/tutorials for participation in sports, games, cultural or any other activities for and on behalf of the College/ Activity group, should submit the applications countersigned by the respective Teacher -in-charge before the commencement of such leave, failing which they will be treated as defaulters.
23. According to the circular N. Cert/ Conv./1058 of 2008, received from University of Mumbai Students who intend to apply for duplicate copies of their statement of marks, certificates of passing, degree certificates as well as Special certificates, to produce an affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 50/- made on behalf before the Metropolitan Magistrate or Notary appointed by the government to that effect, the reason for issue of the duplicate copy of the aforesaid documents mentioning there in also, the First Information Report(F.I.R.) registered in the Police Station for the reasons what so ever, i.e. loss, damage of the same, etc. to check the misuse of the aforesaid documents. On completion of these formalities and payment of necessary fees, the required duplicate certificates will be issued to the concerned student accordingly.
24. Parents/ Guardians if accompanying students should sign the visitors register at the gate and maintain decorum in the college.
25. All other relatives are directed to obtain written permission from the principal if they want to represent any student.
26. Parents of students are requested to kindly contact the Teacher-in-charge of class, Head of Department, Principal, at least once in a term, to keep themselves in touch with their ward’s attendance and progress.
27. Counseling center and Mentor System: It has been observed that some of the students have personal problems, causing stress and strain. The college has appointed a councilor to help such students to cope with these problems. The students/ parents are requested to make use of this facility. All matters will be kept confidential. The college has also set up mentor System having teacher mentor to guide the students in their difficulties. In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report to the teacher-in-charge Mentor teacher who will help them solve their problems.
28. Ragging: The Government of Maharashtra has notified Ragging as a cognizable offence. Anyone reported to be involved in any form of ragging, will be severely dealt with. Therefore, students are required to restrain from indulging in any form of ragging. Anyone reported to be involved in any form of ragging will be liable for penalty of ragging will be as per the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999(Act No.XXXIIIIof 1999). In accordance with the ordinance 2005(238/09), admission will be denied to a student who is involved in ragging or if it is noticed that after getting admission the student has been involved in ragging she shall be suspended from the college.
29. ANTI-RAGGING DECLARATION is compulsory for all the students in view of the orders of the Government and Hon’ble Supreme Court on the anti-ragging measures. Anti-ragging affidavit has to be signed by each student (and their parent) of the Institute. Kindly note that there are two Affidavits as Annexure-I & II. Annexure-I is to be signed by the student &II by the parent/ guardian. The students are advised to obtain separate Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/-, duly signed by the parent as well as himself in front of the notary (acting as OATH COMMISSIONER) from their own home town.
30. The affidavit in original is necessary to be brought by each student whenthey report for registration. Those who fail to do so will not be allowed for registration in the University/ Policy as per University norms.
31. The college strictly follows a ‘NO RAGGING’ policy.
32. No society, association, committee, organization of students should be formed in the College without the sanction of the Principal.
33. Outsiders should not be invited to address any meeting orto participate in any college activity without the prior permission of the Principal.
34. Ateacher conducting a class ata given time shall be in absolute control of the class, and may take appropriate action in order to maintain discipline in the class.
35. Any member of the teaching or non-teaching staff may intervene on the spot to deal with disorderly/ destructive activities on the part of the students either in the class room or outside the class room in the College premises.
36. Any matter not covered by the rules and regulation in vogue and/or notified through notices, circular, prospectus etc., will rest at the absolute discretion of the Principal. The right of interpretation of any rule is reserved by the Principal.
37. All rules and regulations enforced and implemented by the college / Management / U.G.C / University / Government from time to time will remain binding on students.
38. Any cost incurred by the college on account of communication owing to indiscipline/default of attendance / not appearing for mandatory internal examinations / viva / not submitting projects by students / any other matters pertaining to college administration related to students will be recovered from the concerned student.